Thursday, 21 July 2011


"Friendship forever" people do said this word in their live ~ but did the word come true ? What mean friend ? What mean real friend ? Friend and Real friend is the same ? The answer is no ! People do meet each other ~ but the relationship between two person can be easy or complicated.There're too many type of relationship between two person for example friend, best friend,couple, husband and wife, children and parent just to name a few.I'm bad in communication(I think) I'd only a few friends, that's what the real friends. Real friends mean two person not contact so frequent but when you need them they'll be always available for you to share happiness, sadness and everything.I have had many experienced, the communication skill with friend must be there, the first step to built up friendship is super easy, you can just "hi, how are you ?" then the process to be friend done ! but when come to communication it's super hard !(I swear it's super hard) Chinese phase state the you'll understand what people thinking only when time pass for a long period, it's true ! Some times you might think that why should I make a lot of friends ? Alone not bad what. It's depend on particular situation. Some people is suitable to be friend but some more suitable to be stranger (to avoid "war") ~~ 

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