突然间,我发现人生对不同的人拥有不同的意义,有的人认为恋爱是人生的必经过程,有的人认为读书是一切,有的人认为人生很漫长,又有的人认为人生很短暂。从不同的角度,不同的双眼和在不同的时间去看人生会得到不一样的画面。小学时期,我们都还很天真的认为还有用不完的时间,我们成天埋怨功课压力,老师太严希望赶快升上初中。升上初中时,才发现原来小学有多么轻松,在整个中学时期,我们还是盼望着毕业的一刻希望赶快脱离老师的魔掌,哈!可笑的却是上了学院我才发现中学真的是天堂 !凌晨一点三十八分,我突然想起我这一生到底做了什么值得纪念的事情,我还能深呼吸的时间还剩多少?人们常说人生苦短,有什么想做的,想去实践的就不要迟疑,不要到老了才来懊悔。“对不起”,“我错了”,“早知道”等等,都是被创造来掩饰我们错误的决定,选择。但错误的存在却是帮助我们成长的良药,人生充满了选择题,在下一个路口要往哪一个方向前进,下一步该怎么走,走错了是否意味着我们就得停滞不前?不是的!走错了我们就多了一个经验,我们知道什么是错误的,那么下一次我们会更谨慎的走不从蹈覆辙。那么希望看见这篇文章的人,想想活到这一刻你到底做了哪些事情,你的人生活的有意义吗???
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Friday, 6 May 2011
First Visit !
RED BOX K-room ~~(denis,hui shan,hong yi,Ejeen)
Had fun with friends ~~(hui shan,hong yi,Ejeen,Moon)
happy time ~(Ejeen,denis,hong yi,Moon)
This Tuesday I'd visit the curve with four of my friends(after class) ~~ we had our lunch at 'Little Penang'(so expensive) ~~ Then we went to to Red Box counter to ask for the price and then we got the larger room ~~ We sang continuously for three hours , it was really fun but cant visit frequently ,if not sure bankrupt , haha ..after that Moon cousin fetched me home (thanks , Moon)...Really enjoyed times hang out with friends ~~ I think we'll plan another activities then that at time we should invite more friends ~~ haha
Monday, 2 May 2011
At lease I did something today ~~
A little bit of my spirits return !! What a good news ~~ ha ha ....today I did learn some new things and try my best to understand and remember the content . Sometimes for human to maintain self-control or disciplines is kind of difficulty but it's still a must for us to maintain .....discipline is some sort of behavior , if we fail to maintain it then everything will lead to a very bad results , our life will become disrupt and that's mean "world end" for the us ....maybe not everybody have such thinking or mind but for me,YES . Today , I'd pull back a little of my "self-control thing" ...hope that it keep on going and increase in ascending order/form~~
Sunday, 1 May 2011
Finally ...today is sunday~~
Finally, Sunday come ~ that's mean at lease got something to do on the next day ~~ I hate holiday especially when I need to be alone in holidays !! I did nothing in my holidays....just stay online ...I tried to do something but really no mood !! Spirit ..my spirit ~where u go ? I miss u ~~ I hope I'll find my spirit ....and be hard working again !! and I'll find it !! I want to be good but I know before that ..I need to do my best to be good !! I think I can !! so just START !!
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